Monday, October 28, 2024

Re depression

To be clear, I’m not depressed. My life does life suck though, unbelievabley, but maybe what helps me through the relentless suckinness might help, for an instant at least, your life sucking depression. 

It helps me to think of life as a series of moments. Of instants strung together that make our life - and when you think of an instant, a single solitary instant, it's perfect. Exquisite. No fear, no worry, no pain. So much can happen and also so little the moment the phone rings and you see it's someone you love. When your dog spots you after a day away from her. When you were handed your firstborn, and again your second. The moment you heard your husband say I do. Those things. Even in the midst of the dark, there is beauty in how dark it is. Sorrow and grief are only so because of love and belonging so the foundation of our depression is often based in something we valued and maybe even still have. When it's dark, it's hard to see the light, but it's there so let it spill into the moments that string together the next seconds, hours, minutes, days for it's these precious snapshots in time that make up our precious lives.  Xx

Thats not to trivialise your depression. I want to make that clear. Carving your life up into manageable split seconds of time that carry no fear, no pain, no doubt, but that stil do exist and are real, can feel like a life buoy though when you feel you're drowning in despair. 

2005-2007© aibee